A 37 year- old journalist is the grips of the Central regional Police command for allegedly using dubious means to collect the nude pictures of some ladies and later threatening to circulate them on social media.

The suspect Emmanuel Orlando Matrevi according to the police collects nude pictures from the ladies on the pretext that he stays in Europe and would want to marry them.

Such ladies,according to the regional crime officer Chief Superintendent Baffour Appenteng are then made by Emmanuel Matrevi Orlando to send their nude pictures which he uses later to demand for sex from them and subsequently  threatens to leak them if such ladies refused.

The journalist who works with Cape Coast – based Coastal TV is said to have used that strategy to lure a lot of ladies into his bed against their wish.

A search on his iPad according to Chief Superintendent Baffour Appenteng revealed the pictures of many ladies who had fallen victim to Emmanuel Matrevi’s schemes as their nude pictures were on it.

Emmanuel Matrevi in his quest to have sex with the ladies arranges to meet them at a location, after telling them he is in town from abroad.

Emmanuel Matrevi according to the crime officer then reveals his real identity and allegedly asks for sex from the ladies.  Failure to give in to his demands, he then threatens to leak their nude pictures on social media.

A lot of the ladies he said gave in to his demands fearing their nudity will be leaked on social media.

After series of sexual encounters with one of his victims, Chief Supt. Appenteng said, the lady got fed up and reported Emmanuel Matrevi to the police.

The accused was arrested and granted bail about a week ago, but days later another girl who had been a victim of Emmanuel Matrevi’s nefarious activities reported him to the police and was re-arrested.

Emmanuel Matrevi’s iPad with the nude pictures is in the possession of the police but he has denied circulating any of the pictures.

He would be arraigned before court soon according to the crime officer. – Kwaku Baah-Acheamfour