A six year old girl has been confirmed dead by the Police in Somanya in the Eastern region.

The girl was gutted by fire after she ignorantly soaked herself with a kerosene and got closer to open fire.

Confirming the incident to Kasapa News Eastern Regional Correspondent Kojo Ansah, the Somanya District Police Commander, ASP Isaac Otsin, explained that, the six year old girl was playing around the house while the parents were in the room, however, she ignorantly poured kerosene on herself which soaked her dress but unfortunately got closer to a naked fire which set her ablaze.

The girl, according the Commander, attempted to rescue herself by quickly removing the nylon dress she was wearing but couldn’t do so due to the magnitudes of the fire and as a result fell on the floor while wailing.

She suffered severe burns and died shortly after she was rushed to Atua government Hospital for emergency care.

“She was playing outside, there was a kerosene left on the compound and thinking it was water, she poured it on herself. When she got closer to the fire, her body was gutted by fire, she attempted to remove the dress but she is a small girl so she couldn’t. By the time people came out of their rooms, she was in flames, the dress was nylon, so they poured water on her to extinguish the fire and later rushed her to the Atua government hospital but was pronounced dead.”

He said, the Somanya Police is investigating the matter.