While every relationship story is different, there are certain types of men who are just train wrecks waiting to happen.   After talking with various women, I came up with five types of men you should NEVER date.

The mama’s boy

This is the man kind of man who runs to his mother for everything. No decision is made without mother’s approval.  Chances are he still lives with his mother, and she still does his laundry and cooks his meals.

You should not get into a relationship with this man because you will always come second to his mother. Do not even think of getting married to this man because his mother will hate you and give you endless drama. Trust me; life is too short to have a monster mother in law.

The free loader

This kind of man has no problem staying at your house for free, eating and drinking at your expense, and relying on your wallet to stock up.

If your man begins to show these traits- girl, run! This is not boyfriend or husband material. You do not want to end up caring for a fully grown man who has no sense of responsibility.

Mr it’s-all-about-me

If you are in the dating game, I am sure you have met this guy.  This egocentric man does not care about your day or your life story.

Well, let’s be honest, men don’t really care about the mean boss at work who made your day miserable, but they pretend to listen. However, Mr it’s-all-about-me does not sympathise or empathise with you.

This relationship will grow old quick. No woman wants to be with a man whose favourite subject is “Me me me.”

Jack the Lad

Though he’s sweet and charming, Jack the Lad is likely to have all manner of diseases festering in his system because promiscuity is his middle name.  Despite his syrupy declarations, this man has no faithful bone in his body.

You don’t want him as a boyfriend or a husband. Chances are you might end up killing him, murdering his string of women, or catching some embarrassing disease. Nobody has the time for all that melodrama.

Mr rich and arrogant

You have met this guy, right? He’s the one who thinks money gives him the excuse to treat you like his property. He buys you expensive gifts only to tear you down and order you around.  Darling, if you are willing to be disrespected and devalued, date the man.  Let’s see how long that lasts.

There is more to life than travel, expensive gifts and glamorous parties. I would be tired of being told what wear and who to talk to because it does not fit Mr rich and arrogant’s image.

I know you reserve the right to date whoever you choose, but you should ask yourself what you want from that relationship. After all, we are all looking for love, respect and happiness. There is no need to lead a miserable life with somebody else. You could be happier with a house full of cats.

Credit: predonblog.com