Nii Tackie Obli II

The Ga paramountcy has urged the general public to ignore the enstoolment of another claimant to the Ga-stool identified as Nii Tackie Obli II who they accused of being an impostor.

Confusion is deepening in the Ga-state following the recent installation of Nii Tackie Obli II as Ga-Mantse.

The kingmakers of Abola Piam We of the Ga State in Accra last week installed Nii Tackie Obli as Ga-Mantse bringing to four, the claimants to the stool since the demise of  Ga Mantse Boni Nii Amugi II in 2004.

The Abola Piam kingmakers have said Nii Obli was the legitimate Chief of the Ga-state thereby nullifying the reign of the late King Tackie Tawiah II, known in private life as Dr. Joe Blankson, and the current Ga-Mantse Boni Nii Tackie Adama Latse II.

According to Nii Okang Osiahene IV, the Stool Father of the Abola Piam We, their action was precipitated by the fact that they represent the riight house to nominate and install a chief for the Ga-State after the death of Nii Amugi, a right which he said was usurped by Nii Teiko Tsuru We people.

But a statement issued by the Ga paramount stool’s Dzasetse, Nii Yartey Otuga said the purported enstoolment of another Ga-Mantse should be ignored because there is a substantive Chief in the person of Nii Tackie Adama Latse II enstooled on the 11th June, 2011 and entered into the national register of Chiefs on April,24, 2015 by the National House of Chiefs as mandated by Article 270(3b) of the 1992 constitution and the Chieftaincy Act.

The statement further added:”We wish to state clearly that the purported Ga-Mantse is an impostor and so also Dr. Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II both of whom should be treated with contempt as their motive and aim together with their cohort is to create unrest and panic and mayhem in the Ga-State.”