“Inspector Bediako,” a popular detective television series created by Mr Kojo Yankah and produced by Dateline Productions Limited in the 1990’s, is coming back to entertain viewers in Ghana.

“Bediako” in Akan means ‘fight against injustice’. A statement signed by Mr Kojo Yankah, Chief Executive, Dateline Marketing Limited said, “Inspector Bediako is an iconic, intelligent and smart- looking figure, who leads a crack team of investigators- namely, Inspector Bediako, Ayesha and Teiko,- to fight against crime, injustice, bribery, corruption, cyber fraud, among others in Africa.

The statement said using rare insights, tip-offs, modern technology, and latest communication gadgets as well as a natural feel for information gathering, Inspector Bediako unravels and resolves mysteries of all kinds that daunt and thrill television viewers.

It said the programme is targeted at the public, the youth, male and female, corporate Ghana, civil society organisations, working professionals, students, embassies and the diplomatic corps.

“Inspector Bediako took off in the 1990’s with much excitement. Fictional detectives like Sherlock Holmes, Hercules Poirot, and Sledge Hammer, an American, were all white. But never before did I see an African man solving crimes. “Inspector Bediako’s other partner was a woman. Talk about women empowerment.”

“They worked together very well, and I would love to read and see more of such female detectives. 

“Inspector Bediako was an iconic figure who all kids look up to. The detective series will be coming to a television channel in Ghana very soon”, it said.