When the night crawls into the behest of dawn, just at that moment when the terror of the night won’t be subdued, a tear soaks the ropes of the boats of conveyance to the Maker, a voice calls to the heart of Heavens. At this time, the snores at night tries to challenge this hearty call but that voice won’t succumb to any because the survival of an entire generation must rest on those modest shoulders. The shoulders will surely wish a rest but again, the early rise without a blink of an eye in this terror must become a routine of life. This is when, the sun meets the creature of our Maker, this is when there is a bargain, this period is when there is an exchange of life for the survival of others. At this point, even in the cold torrents of the rains, sweats trickle down that beautiful face. An entire generation must still survive.

I’ve tried to define womanhood, I’ve tried to question a few elderly women, I’ve tried to seek counsel from the one we all call abrewatia, the only reason I could make out of their submissions was what I tried to coin up in my first paragraph. It is for the purpose of service, the reason of nurturing a generation, that is why we celebrate women. It is unfortunate, very disturbing phenomenon in our history that, even when a lot more women had done tremendously well for us, we shelved their efforts. These women that were muted by history pivoted the essence of our freedom today. It is very urgent for us to note that, amongst these great women who toiled, cried, slaved and abused were youths. Young ones who refused to be submerged by the image of the male factor. These young women knew the purpose, understood the reason and found solace in the fact that, this country is a woman and to impact on the lives of the generations yet unborn was to subject themselves to servitude. They ignored the luxuries of their age and maimed their obstacles for us. I have no other way of celebrating these gallant women but to also take on their armour, be induced by their thoughts and serve the generation yet unborn. Indeed, we have all done absolutely great but until we continue the fight of service, our fulfillment will mean nothing.

Today, the eyes of the world, Ghana is on all of us. The reason is because, without us, they fail to exist. Today, we have a celebration in our stead and perhaps tomorrow, we will be snored upon but be reminded of just a single statement today from this words that I speak, ”at every minute that you render a patriotic service to any mortal on this earth, your celebration begins because that is where you get fulfilled”.

God bless women
God bless Ghana.

Gifty Oware-Aboagye
Deputy Executive Director