Students of Zabzugu Senior High School in the Northern region leave in fear as police released without a charge two male students arrested for attacking a female colleague with a fireman after accusing her of witchcraft.

Authority of the school reported to police about an assault on a female student by some two boys who have accused her of hunting them spiritually and causing frightening dreams.

School management told police the attackers invaded the disjoined dilapidated female hostel with a loaded gun and angrily threatened to kill the teenager who stood stunned silence as his armed colleagues issued dire warnings.

Reports say the boys really would have carried out the threats if either of them had a nightmare once more before they were picked up by police.

Alarmed at the incident, parents of the female student stormed the school and with school authority reported the matter to police and the boys were arrested.

The arrest of the two students angered their friends who attempted to deceive others to engage in protest by boycotting studies but were timely stopped by also some incensed teachers.

The parents then proceeded and withdrawn permanently the girl from the school citing insecurity or poor security arrangement for students.

The attackers were taken into police custody but were shortly freed without a charge against them sparking wild concerns of administrative indifference.

Many students who spoke to Kasapa News wanted school authorities and police to sanction the attackers to deter others.
“We want the police to come and arrest them because as a student we don’t know why the get access to the weapon they used to accuse the girl meaning they have way of doing bad things. The police should grab the students and deal with them” a second year student told Kasapa News.

School authority are yet to a briefing from the police and the District Police commander ASP George Aboagye declined request for comments by Kasapa News.

The district education director Mr. Asare Johnson who now heads the school after the headmaster Mr. Maccarious was forced into retirement by the chief for refusing to readmit the eight female students sacked for gross misconduct, confirmed the incident and said a committee was probing the matter.

He also confirmed the concerns of the students but suggested the police did not explain to them why they released the suspects without charging them.

“We have constituted the disciplinary committee to sit on the case and I have just been reliably informed by my assistant headmaster at the station that the disciplinary committee has sat down, examined the case and have come out with their preliminary report, as a headmaster I have to go and sit down and look at the report in consultation with the board then we pronounce whatever the code stipulate”, caretaker Mr. Johnson said.

Zabzugu Senior High school in the northern region has alarming growth of student indiscipline which has hugely affected academic performances.

There are currently reports of students operating criminal gangs and public sell of Indian hemp and tramadol.

Last year, eight female students were asked to go home after the school disciplinary committee found them guilty of inflicting terrible injuries to junior students after having accused them of spreading gossip about them.