The Minority in Parliament has described as bizarre the content of the damning Ameri Review Committee report rejecting the incriminating findings churned out by the Committee.

A 17-member committee set up by the Energy Minister, Boakye Agyarko and chaired by Mr Philip Addison revealed in its report that Ghana was made to pay an extra $150 million as commission to the Ameri group to deliver a power plant in the heat of Ghana’s power crisis.

But addressing the media in parliament today, the former Power Minister under the erstwhile Mahama administration, Dr. Kwabena Donkor said that the allegations cannot be true because due diligence was conducted by two top International Financial firms namely JP Morgan and PricewaterhouseCoopers(PwC) on the deal.

Dr. Donkor under whose tenure the deal was signed said the Ameri power deal has the cheapest power tariff at 11.46 cents.

“The normal thing in the energy sector is that emergency plants cost more, the tariffs in the emergency [deals] are higher, and, yet we were able to negotiate a tariff under emergency conditions that is lower than all other tariffs which were established under normal conditions.” he added.

He dared the Akufo-Addo government to go to court to challenge the  if, indeed, they can prove their case of fraud allegedly detected by the 17-member committee set up by Energy Minister Boakye Agyarko to review the contract.

“Indeed Ladies and Gentlemen, if there was fraud why won’t the committee recommend straight away the termination of the contract and take criminal action, but why recommend that you are inviting them  back to the negotiation table, and only if they don’t agree then you introduce fraud.”