Students of T. I Ahmadiyya Senior High School in Salaga in the Northern Region have attacked the District Police station in the area and vandalized a police vehicle in the process.

The students’ action follows the police arresting three students who led an assault on the Headmaster of the school after they had been sanctioned for misconduct. The students are said to be incensed that the police prevented them from burning the school.

What is more worrying is that the town folks have also joined the students in the mob action putting the lives of the police personnel in danger.

Chief Inspector Yakubu of the Salaga District Police Station who condemned the unruly act disclosed that his outfit has called for reinforcement from the Northern Regional Police Command in Tamale to quell the situation.

“Our lives are in danger, the youth of the town have teamed up with the students and are charging on us, we have had to fire tear gas to repel them, but they are not budging. The situation is getter worse and we need support as soon as possible”.
