The Minister of Energy Boakye Kyeremateng Agyarko has revealed that government’s desire to have renewables contribute 10 percent of its total energy supply is now expected to be achieved in 2030 instead of the 2020 that was set by the Energy Commission.

The passage of the Renewable Energy Act in 2011 envisaged that the country should be able to attain 10 percent of its total energy supply from an array of renewable power sources such as solar, wind among other sources.

But the Energy Minister speaking at a luncheon organised by the American Chamber of Commerce, Ghana said the country can only boast of one percent of its energy coming from renewable sources.

Despite the landmark renewable energy law being passed in 2011, the country’s march towards improving renewable energy generation has largely not yielded the desired results.

“On the renewable energy front, the Ministry of Energy is looking at increasing the penetration in our energy mix from the current 1 percent to about 10 percent by the year 2030. This aggressive target calls for a corresponding aggressive and sustainable measures for its achievement

According to him, the 10 percent target in renewable energy which is now set for 2030, will be approached with an aggressive and sustainable laid down policies.

Government will therefore encourage increased private sector investment in utility scale solar and wind energy projects, as well as accelerate the development of mini-grid solutions in off-grid and island communities for lighting, irrigation and other economic activities,” he said.

The programme which was on the theme: “Ghana’s Energy and Petroleum Outlook”, had the US Ambassador Robert Porter Jackson as the special guest.

Mr. Boakye Agyarko further noted that, the Ministry of Energy had been tasked to come out with some specific policy actions including the establishment of Renewable Energy Authority to oversee, execute and manage the state’s renewable energy initiatives.

“We will also periodically review the Renewable Energy Act to reflect changing trends in the industry, establish a center for the training of technicians in renewable energy installations, operation and maintenance and encourage power consumers to invest in renewable energy to meet a portion of their energy requirements, among others,” Mr. Agyarko said.

Government, he said, will take a leading role in the use of renewable energy. He added that, government will make sure that all government and public buildings are fitted with solar panels. – B&FT