First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei-Owusu says Road Safety Management Services limited(RSMSL) the face behind the mandatory towing project could be replaced to limit the frustrations the project is facing.

He explained that saving face is not the priority in respect of the policy at hand, but delivering results should be the key focus for stakeholders on the project.

“If we think that there is too many controversies surrounding the agency delivering the services, we can change them to make sure that the project doesn’t suffer.” he told sit-in host Kwaku Owusu Adjei on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa 102.5 FM.

According to him, the mandatory towing fee for vehicle owners is in the supreme interest of road users, as a result of the dangers that such broken down vehicles might cause to human lives.

For him, the suspension of the policy will help probe the issues surrounding the implementation and possibly provide the way forward for the project to take shape again.

Government has suspended the controversial towing tax for vehicle owners until further notice.

According to the Deputy Minister for Transport, Daniel Titus Glover, the suspension which comes on the back of public concerns over the fees will afford parliament time to re-assess the legislative instrument supporting the move.

The decision was taken after the Roads and Transport Committee of parliament met with the Road Safety Commission, Transport Ministry and other stakeholders over the matter.

The Deputy Minister, Titus Glover told Kasapa FM further dialogue on the move will ensure that the “right things are done”

The Road Safety Management Services Limited (RSMSL) say they are affected by the suspension of the move as it indicated it had already acquired some 118 trucks ahead of the implementation, for the exercise.