Head Pastor of Cedar Mountain Chapel Assemblies of God Church, Reverend Stephen Wengam has said churches should be exempted from paying tax because they are not a profit making organization.
According to the former chairman of Ghana Prison Service, it defies logical reasoning and therefore resist such law with all his might.
Commenting on why churches should be excluded from paying tax, Rev. Wengam said churches engage in charity works and all comes from the offering they take so it would be improper for them to pay taxes.
“Churches shouldn’t pay taxes because it doesn’t make logical sense and if they try we’ll resist with all our might because the church isn’t a profit making organization. Pastors and workers pay tax from the monies paid them,” Rev. Wengam told Akwasi Nsiah on Kasapa Entertainment.
However other ministers of the gospel have also expressed that most churches are more of business organisations than religious bodies.
Their reasons being that many churches have deviated from their core functions of propagating the gospel and following the teachings of Christ which includes showing love and care to the needy and oppressed in the society so in order to check the influx of more ‘mushrooms’ churches, government should impose taxes on income generated by churches.
Anku Perpetual Ewoenam