Member of Parliament for Ablekuma Central constituency, Hon. Ebenezer Nartey has urged government to erect national monuments and name them after corrupt government officials after monies have been retrieved from them.

He said corrupt officials shouldn’t just be jailed but government should retrieve all monies from such people.

According to him the only way to stop people from engaging in corruption in future is to use the monies they steal to construct buildings and name it after them.

“Everyone who is found guilty of corruption shouldn’t just be jailed because they will return in four to ten years and if the monies they stole was invested, they will reap more. The Monies should be used to build a school or construct a hospital and named after the person with an indication showing that the structure was erected from monies retrieved from the said person,” he told Bonohene Baffour Awuah on Yensempa on Agoo TV.

He was speaking on the back of the brouhaha happening at the Electoral Commission after EC chair charlotte osei accused her deputies of engaging in corruption.

By: Nana Kwabena Agyare