President Nana Akufo Addo has pleaded with the Jomoro District Assembly members to endorse his new nominee for the position of District Chief Executive for the area when he presents him for approval.

Mr. Eric Muah who was the first to be nominated by the President as DCE was rejected three times by Assembly Members as he failed to secure the required two-thirds votes as stated by law.

He subsequently stepped aside as DCE nominee for another person to be nominated by the President.

President Akufo Addo while addressing a durbur held in his honour by the Chiefs and people of Jomoro in the Western Region as part of his 5-day working tour of the Central and Western Regions on Tuesday, appealed to the residents to offer their support to the next DCE nominee to speed up development in the area.

“Eric Muah who I initially nominated for DCE was a good person and very competent, but tried as I did he was rejected all the three times. I beg you, this time around please approve the person I’m nominating, he’s a hardworking person. I’d wanted to make Jomoro a Municipality but if you don’t even have a DCE how then can you be elevated to a Municipal status. Please help me so that you have a DCE for this area, then the elevation will follow.”