The Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC),  has said government must be ready to accept suggestions for, and criticisms of the Free Senior High School programme from the main opposition National Democratic Congress(NDC).

ISODEC believes it’ll not be in the best interest of the nation, if government rejects inputs from the main opposition NDC in the implementation of the free SHS policy.

President Akufo-Addo launching the policy on Tuesday said government reckons the challenges in the implementation of the free SHS policy, despite its best preparations and efforts, but said “we will be ready, in all humility, to accept inputs and criticisms aimed at improving the policy.”

The Free SHS commenced on Monday, 11 September 2017 across the country.

But the minority has said the funding mechanism for the program is not sustainable. They are also demanding a blueprint for the policy, which was a major campaign message for President Akufo-Addo during the 2016 electioneering.

The Campaign Coordinator at the Integrated Social Development Center (ISODEC), Dr. Steve Manteaw, in his critique of the free SHS policy only advised the ruling NPP government to make the policy open so it could be politically sustained in subsequent regimes.

“If you don’t make the major political party, which is one of the major stakeholders to bring their suggestions onboard, they’ll not own it and when they come to power they’ll find all excuses to either modify it or throw it away completely.”