A Labour Expert, Mr Austin Gamey says until both government and the Ghana Medical Association(GMA) agree to appear before the National Labour Commission there will be no end in sight to the impasse that has characterized the ongoing negotiations between both parties.

He’s insisted that the two will continue to hit a deadlock in their negotiation till they resolve to submit their standing issues to the commission for a possible arbitration.

Speaking to Fiifi Banson on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa 102.3 FM, Gamey said the two parties have wasted more years “employing a nasty and annoying method of negotiation”, which he says contravenes the law in the negotiation underway.

Gamey expressed worry that by their misconduct exhibited in the process, ordinary Ghanaians have had to bear the brunt of their action which has cost the lives of innocent souls.

 “We have gone beyond our bounds as a people; I saw people on television gasping for breath in several hospitals- We have actually allowed our self to be sent to the slaughter house, this is unacceptable

“Is  better the doctors resign now; or go back to the National Labour Commission for an arbitration.”

Government has hit a snag on a move to address the GMA’s demand for Conditions of Service, because it said doctors demands are too high for government to meet it.

Government Sunday met with the leadership of the striking medical professionals hoping to reach an agreement over their conditions of service.

But the marathon meeting, which lasted all day was yet another disappointing negotiating exercise.

By: Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana