The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) has warned that it would not hesitate in responding to any insults heaved on striking doctors by anyone, irrespective of the person’s class or status in society.

According to the President of the GMA, Dr Opoku Adusei, public sector doctors have had enough of insults and invectives ever since they declared their strike action, adding that the GMA has resolved to reply in same manner and possibly even harsher to any attack on group.

Public sector doctors across the country over a week ago proceeded on a strike action after their negotiation with the government reached a stalemate. They have vowed to desert their consulting rooms until their request are met by the government.

The doctors action has resulted in the death of some patients across the country, while others in critical condition have been left to their own fate.

The medical experts have come under sharp criticism from a section of the public especially from government communicators, describing the doctors action as inhumane and very distasteful.

General Secretary of the GMA Frank Serebour recently replied in harsh language to an attack from a member of the ruling party’s communication team, an action he was roundly condemned for.

However, Dr Opoku Adusei stressed that doctors are not bothered by personal attacks and have resolved to ensure that they have a signed and sealed conditions of service document.

“We are Ghanaians and human beings, if we are all to go down there… some of us we were born in the villages and we can say worse things, why do we look on when a section of the people insult doctors and we are asking doctors to go and apologize, we’re not going to apologize, we stand by it. You insult us and we insult you back.

He noted that doctors did not swear an oath of poverty, adding that their current fight is for the next generation and also ensure that the right thing is done.
