A group calling itself Unposted Bonded Physician Assistants has threatened to picket at the Ministry of Health to demand Employment into the Health sector.

The Physician Assistants who claimed they were part of the 2013/2014/2015 batches of students who graduated from the College of Health in Kintampo in the Brong Ahafo said government has refused to give them jobs despite completing the one year mandatory internship.

Spokesperson for the group, Asante Offei told Accra-based Citi FM that they’ll stop at nothing to ensure that they have their issues addressed.

“We completed our mandatory internship in the months of March, April, and May, depending on when one started. By the end of May, it was expected that every PA that had internship a year ago should finish by that time. And by June we were done and then we have registered. So we started making follow ups, to the MoH as well as MMDCEs. But all that we were told is our list is not with them yet; it’s yet to be verified.

So without wasting much time , we made some follow ups to the Medical and Dental Council, we got our names verified and then in the month of June, and early part of July, we submitted these verified list to the MoH of Health and then they also confirmed receipt of the list, that is in the month of August.

“We know that the only language the government and the agencies understand is picketing. So we have planned that we will be hitting the premises of the Ministry of Health to picket so that the entire nation will know that there is a backlog of PAs that are uncared for, abandoned and their skills are rusting in the house.”