The Negligence of a State Attorney, Jasmine Amrmah, in appealing the Judgement of the High Court that ordered the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) to restore the residence and work permit of Ashok Kumar Sivaran, an Indian businessman within seven days has caused the Court of Appeal to slap the State with cost of 2,000.00.

The State Attorney after filing a Stay of Execution against the orders of the High Court at the Court of Appeal, appeared in court this morning to withdraw the entire application without any explanation.

Kasapa FM’s Court correspondent, Daakyehene Ofosu Agyeman reported that the three member Court of Appeal Panel presided over by Justice P.K. Gyaesayor expressed serious surprise at the attitude of the State Attorney and demanded assurance from the State that after the instant withdrawal, they would not turn back and file a fresh appeal just to frustrate the defendant.

To address the fears of the Court, the Court of Appeal awarded rare cost against the State by ordering that 1,000.00 cedis each should be paid by all two applicants in the matter, namely the Interior Minister and the Ghana Immigration Service.