IBIS Styles Hotel, Accra is set to throw a one-of-a-kind OAfrica Children’s Christmas Party to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the famous Ghanaian children’s charity OAfrica.

As part of its corporate social responsibilities, IBIS seeks to help raise awareness for OAfrica’s journey in the past 15 years. During this time they have helped to trace and reunify and put more than 700 children through school and university.

“We hope that by highlighting our successes in the past 15 years and how we give our beneficiaries a great future and a great education, we can inspire you to support us.”

For the past 15 years OAfrica has supported children and young adults in Ghana: a co-creator with the Government of Ghana and UNICEF of the CARE REFORM INICIATIVE we have been tracing and reuniting children from orphanages by strengthening their extended families and giving the children scholarships. At OAfrica we are committed to care reform and ensuring that children grow up in safe, permanent family settings with appropriate care and protection and with equal rights and opportunity.

The leading cause of child abandonment is poverty. Poor families often feel that placing their children into an orphanage is the only way to ensure they receive proper education, food and other essentials.

“Our programs support children by building strong families to eliminate child abandonment and create safe, stable and loving families and communities. With the right kind of support, we know that families can stay together. OAfrica helps families of children at risk of abandonment and gives them secure futures within their communities.

“Our mission is to empower children and young adults in need of care and protection because of institutionalization, abandonment, neglect, disability or abuse to become productive members of the community. We accomplish this by strengthening families and reintegrating separated children whose rights have been compromised due to poverty, violence, trafficking, disease and discrimination into safe, stable and loving households.”

The mission of IBIS Styles Hotel is to create a meaningful experience for the community of travelers and new nomads all around the globe but transcends to supporting projects and programs of OAfrica to create a meaningful future for our beneficiaries.