The miracles of Bishop Charles Agyinasare are “very authentic” and undebatable, Rev Eastwood Anaba has said.

In a video message ahead of Bishop Agyinasare’s Festival of Miracles scheduled for 30 January to 2 February, the founder of Eastwood Anaba Ministries (EAM) said the founder of Perez Chapel International has proven over his 35 years in the miracle ministry that his works are of God.

“There are many kinds of miracle workers, they come in different levels and my friend Bishop Agyinasare belongs to the highest and some of the topmost levels at which miracles occur in people’s lives, so, his miracle ministry over the 35 years has been authentic,” Rev Anaba said.

He added: “There are ministries of miracles that can be very debatable, controversial and sometimes doubtful but this [Agyinasare’s ministry] is a very authentic miracle ministry and you can say that God is with the man of God”.

Apart from that, Rev Anaba said Bishop Agyinasare’s miracle ministry is “authoritative; it’s not just creating miracles but we see God back it with other results apart from the healing; we see the pastoral authority, we see the teaching clarity, we see a man with prophetic depth and then we also see somebody who has been an effective teacher of the word of God, written so many books and taught across the nations of the world, so, this is a ministry that is authentic, authoritative and then finally it is an audacious ministry in the sense that this ministry has gone to places that many people find difficult to go, think about places like Pakistan, of course my backyard Tamale in the Northern Region…”

Meanwhile, as part of events to mark his 35th anniversary in the miracle ministry as well as his Christ Is The Answer Campaign (CITAC), Bishop Agyinasare, on Saturday, 27 January 2018, organised a free medical screening programme and party for the less-privileged at the Independence Square.

The programme, graced by Osu Mantse Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI, offered thousands of the less-privileged the opportunity to access free medical screening for haemorrhoids (Kokoo), breast and prostate cancers as well dental, eye and general checkups.

As part of the event, food, clothing and other items, were freely distributed to over 5000 beneficiaries.

The event came off just three days ahead of the Festival of Miracles scheduled for the same venue.

Launching the miracle event at the Tang Palace Hotel in Accra on Tuesday, 2 January 2018, Bishop Agyinasare said if a miracle is any supernatural intervention in the affairs of men that amazes the human mind, then the Festival of Miracles is a timely campaign, especially now.

He noted that although human attempts at bettering people’s lives have been significant and worthy of praise, in many cases, they are either not advanced enough or completely incapable of helping, and, therefore, a miracle is the last and often only resort.

“When someone is born blind, deaf or dumb, many a time, only a miracle can make a difference. When the lame have tried all else but still cannot walk, a miracle is not insignificant.

When we are faced with incurable congenital diseases, when our fellow human beings are afflicted with cancer, diabetes, tumours, arthritis, damaged organs and other body parts, and many others, I believe a miracle is indispensable.

When many have reached their wits’ end in their finances, and cannot imagine from where they will get provision, a miracle is a game changer. And when recalcitrant and malfeasants in society have heard advice, listened to counsel, and gone through therapy, and are not reformed, a miracle must happen,” he stated.

The Chancellor of Perez University College stated that God has performed many miracles through him in many parts of the world, including the Philippines, India, Islamic Kingdom of Bahrain, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, amongst others but one of the greatest miracles which “should even make the unbeliever believe in the power of God is the growth of Perez Chapel International, which, at a point in its birth in Tamale, was under a tree”.

Through the miracle-working hand of God, Bishop Agyinasare said: “This ministry has grown to the extent that it now has the biggest worship centre in this part of the world (Perez Dome, which can accommodate over 14,000 people at a time), over 500 local branches in Ghana (64 of those in Accra, alone), branches in 16 nations across the world, has a University College, has a TV station and keeps growing from strength to strength.”

Bishop Agyinasare mentioned that his ministry has also not been limited to the spiritual needs of people but also given counsel to leaders of nations, starting from Ghana, Togo, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Burundi etc., and helped to steer many of these nations unto a godly path.

He said he has also been involved in philanthropy. “I am also a believer in being a light of hope to those around me. God has used me to touch many lives through scholarships (I am glad to see some of the people I have helped become doctors and grow into different professions.

In fact, there are people who go to Central University, Perez University College, some of our public universities, and a lot more who go to the SHS every year through my personal scholarship. There are many who benefit from my personal health care, and widows and orphans who are supported by me personally), health care and various acts of philanthropy.

I have also authored over sixty (60) books and counting in English, some of which have been translated into French and Japanese which have been and continue to be a great resource for spiritual growth, church building and warfare prayers for Christians across the world.”

He urged the public to bring the outcast, the sick, blind, lame, deaf and dumb and those with all forms of infirmity to the festival for their healing and deliverance.

Ministering in song at the Festival of Miracles will be Dr Eric Kwapong, Joe Mettle, Cindy Thompson, Daughters of Glorious Jesus, Uncle Ato and Gifty Osei. – Submitted