The victim had been assigned to the NPP headquarters on Friday to report on events as suspended Second Vice Chairman of the party, Sammy Crabbe had gone to the office to pick forms to contest the party’s chairmanship position at the upcoming National Delegates Congress.

The incident happened just a day after the celebration of World Press Freedom Day here in Ghana. Hajia Fati who confessed to the act on Television said she mistook the lady for an onion seller.

There have been barrage of condemnations against the maverick supporter of the governing NPP including her own party that issued a release condemning and dissociating itself from the assault.

Speaking at the party’s headquarters on Wednesday, Hajia Fati said her action was a mistake, pleading for forgiveness.

“I’m here today, to appeal to all press men; I’m on my knees begging you people, i don’t have any grudge with any person. but what came was a mistake. so please you people should forgive me; I’m on my knees, please forgive me!”

But commenting on the matter on Peace FM, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako stated that, Hajia Fati whom he described as a good friend’s continues stay at the headquarters will cause huge collateral damage to both the government and the NPP.

 “She’s a good friend of mine, but I think she should be relocated from the Headquarters. I’m sure she’ll not be happy with my comment and may come at me at my base, but it’s getting too many. It’s important that we who are her friends will rebuke her, because the collateral damage to both the party and government is not something you can underestimate, to be honest with you.”