Waste management giant, Zoomlion Ghana Limited, is set to distribute one million (1,000,000) waste bins of various sizes to households and individuals according to their waste generation demands across Ghana.

The exercise is in collaboration with the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) and will commence as soon as data on the numbers of households and members in each household is ready in any of districts.

Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong, Executive Chairman of Jospong Group of Companies and Founder of Zoomlion disclosed this in Accra while speaking to Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) at a capacity building conference for the political heads of the various Assemblies.

The program was under the auspices of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD).

He said Zoomlion has secured a loan facility of US$10million at Ecobank as a commitment to the free dustbin distribution exercise to help achieve the President’s vision of making Ghana a clean country.

He charged the MMDCE’s not to allow the President’s vision to fail by ensuring that their constituents embrace and make good use of this bin gesture from Zoomlion.

Dr. Agyepong said places such as Singapore, Dubai, Mauritius and Kigali were once bedeviled with filth but are mostly adored and clean today due to practical strategies which are one reason why he believes in the president’s vision.

He went further to proffer a single solution to Ghana’s waste problems in presentation titled “THE BIN SOLUTION”.

He posed the question where will refuse go if they are not in the bin and the answer by the MMDCEs was the obvious “the gutters”.

He said in order not for the refuse to go into the gutters, choke them and cause disasters in our country, there is the need for concerted efforts by the MMDA/MMDCEs to ensure that the bin distribution is successful and that people use them for the purpose for which they were distributed.

The waste management entrepreneur said as leaders in their various MMDAs with the requisite powers to enforce the bye-laws they could not sit and watch their communities get overwhelmed with waste to bring the president’s vision to question.

He catalogued the benefits of the bin to the MMDAs as job creation, savings on NHIS, prevention of communicable diseases, creation of tourism opportunities, keeping the communities clean and beautiful as well as generating revenue among others.

Dr. Agyepong further promised to distribute a hundred mini plastic crashers free of charge to MMDAs who have ready sheds to install them and crash plastics for his conglomerate to buy for recycling purposes and disputed the fact that banning of plastics will be the solution to the waste problems.

He said waste is a resource like gold and oil among others that when properly managed can bring good returns to the nation in terms of revenue and employment generation.

“Waste is a resource like gold, diamond, timber and cocoa- you must see it as a big investment opportunity for your district as recovery levels are 100 % at all times”.

In response the MMDCEs applauded the entrepreneur for being such a visionary entrepreneur saying they will support him to help achieve the president’s vision. They appreciated his quest to help solve Ghana’s waste problems.