The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)  will reopen on Friday November 16,2016, authorities say.

Lectures will also begin on Monday November 19.

The announcement comes after a special meeting of the newly constituted council Tuesday.

A statement signed by the registrar of the school A.K Boateng said:  it is Announced for the information of Students, Staff of KNUST and the General Public, that the Council of the University, of its 251st (special) Meeting held on Tuesday, November 13, 20,I8, in consultation with the Ashanti Regional Security Council (REGSEC) has directed that the University should re-open on Friday, November 16, 2018, following the closure on Monday, October 22,2018. Lectures will resume on Monday, November I9,2018″.

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