Fire photo

The Association of LPG Marketing Companies has blamed the rampant outbreak of gas explosions on the unavailability of investigative reports on such incidence which they can learn from in order to curb the occurrence.

According to the association, it is overwhelmed by the number of fire accidents recorded in the space of two years, destroying lives and properties running into millions of cedis.

This comes after a gas filling station at Krofrom in the Ashanti Region caught fire on Tuesday morning after an explosion.

The raging inferno affected several nearby shops, burnt cars and also took the lives of two persons.

Speaking on Anopa Kasapa to sit-in host, Akwasi Nsiah, President of the association, Torgbi Adaku V said NPA has not been helpful in efforts to curb or reduce petroleum product-related accidents as the latter has no report to learn from in order to put in measures to curb the menace.

“The accident that occurred at Atomic, up until now we don’t have the report to know from it. If there is no report, how do we learn from it? We’ve demanded for it but it has not been provided” he said.

He however suspect the NPA lacks the right equipment to conduct a conclusive investigation into the causes of gas explosions in the country.

“I’m sure the NPA does not have the tools to actually research into the causes of what is going on because if we should have reports on the various gas explosion, we will know the way forward” he said.

By: Alex Semordzi