When registration and distribution of the Ghana card is completed somewhere before 2024, its usage in elections will help drastically reduce the high cost of elections in Ghana, Managing Editor of the Daily Dispatch and pollster Ben Ephson has opined.

“I believe the Ghana card when it’s done well, if not 2020, by 2024 we can use it for voting. The opening of the register, registration of voters and others contribute to the high cost of elections”.

His comment follows concerns raised by Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Mrs Jean Mensa, over the high cost of organizing elections in the country.

Speaking at the opening of the 17th International Electoral Affairs Symposium and International Electoral Awards in Accra, Mrs Mensa said Ghana spent a minimum of $12 on each voter, higher than Nigeria and Tanzania which spent $9 and $5 respectively.

“How can election monitoring bodies streamline their processes to reduce cost?” she asked.

Speaking on Kasapa Fm, Tuesday, Mr. Ephson said the use of the Ghana Card will help reduce the huge cost that comes with organizing elections in the country as certain activities that takes place prior to the main elections, such as the opening of register and registration of voters will be curtailed.

“I believe if by two years, the Ghana card is completed, there will be no need for registration of voters, the moment you are eighteen when your name is mentioned the system will determine if you are eighteen or not. This will help curtail a lot of expenses, so if we do the Ghana card well, it will really help” he said.

He is of the hope that, if not 2020, then by 2024 which is the next elections after 2020, the Ghana card becomes fully operational for the use of elections.