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A group calling itself the Free Media Vanguard will today(Tuesday) hit the principal streets of Accra over what they describe as a suppression of the media in the wake attacks on some journalists and the National Communications Authority(NCA) shutdown of some radio stations.

The group made up of journalists is expressing worry that the current trend in the country will further dip Ghana’s position in the Press Freedom Index.

The convener of the group, Prince Minkah in an interview said their action is aimed at drumming their consistent message that the political authority should pay attention to what has been seen in the country which amounts to the suppression of press freedom.

“Threats on the lives of journalists, brutality meted on journalists, we feel that this trend is becoming one too many and too worrying and that is the reason we are embarking on this protest march. 

“Beyond that the manner in which the National Communications Authority(NCA) shut down specifically two radio stations perceived to be on the side of opposition National Democratic Congress(Radio Gold, Radio XYZ). We are not saying that the NCA should not go about doing its mandate as far as the constitution is concerned, what we are against is the arbitrary manner in which they went about shutdown these radio stations.”