Government has denied knowledge of the controversial Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum which has triggered public outrage in the country.

The Minister of Education, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh told a press conference that the basic school curriculum framework published by the National Council on Curriculum Assessment(NaCCA) has not approved any material on CSE.

He again noted that no teacher has been trained to implement the CSE programme.

“The Ministry states categorically that:

  1. The Curriculum framework from KG to P6 that has was approved by Cabinet from the National Council on Curriculum Assessment(NaCCA) for use in the development of school curriculum and published on NaCCA website does not include anything on CSE.

The Curriculum that has been developed out of the framework for use by the GES in all public schools and approved by Cabinet and as published does not include CSE. As at this morning NaCCA has not approved any material on CSE as it is not included as we speak on the published Curriculum and Curriculum framework. One Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand have been trained on the new Curriculum that started in September and no teacher was trained on CSE.” he told the media on Tuesday.

It comes after the massive public uproar against the sex education programme allegedly included in the basic school curriculum with some Ghanaians calling on the education ministry to withdraw it.

The National Chief Imam Sheikh Dr. Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu has described the Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum as a ‘Satanic agenda’.

According the Islamic Cleric, Islamic jurisprudence do not countenance the exposure of children below age 10 to sex education.

“We would like to state unequivocally that the Islamic Community does not accept any form of educating minors and pupils on sexuality. In our estimation, such a move is an attempt to hide behind educational reforms to brainwash the pupils with LGBT agenda.
Ideally, Islamic jurisprudence recommends that sexual education be introduced to children above the age of 10. This is the time the children are expected to begin to understand the socio-moral consequences of the choice of sex orientation.

“We, therefore, urge the sector Ministry and GES to consider a broad consultation with relevant stakeholders on the implementation of the controversial policy.

“We appeal to the Ministry and GES to drop that satanic agenda in the interest of national cohesion and moral promotion,” a statement by the Chief Imam read in part.

Meanwhile, the Concerned Teachers Association of Ghana hitherto the Ministry’s clarification had indicated that teachers in the country were not aware of the controversial curriculum billed for next academic year.