The main opposition National Democratic Congress(NDC) says the national movement against the the controversial Comprehensive Sexuality Education(CSE) must stop piling pressure on the government until it withdraws the entire programme from the system.

In a Press Statement issued by the opposition NDC General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketiah said:”NDC calls on the impressive coalition that has emerged on this matter not to fall for President Akufo-Addo’s charade.”

President Nana Akufo-Addo has stated emphatically, there will be no introduction of any subject that may destroy the moral upbringing of children.

Addressing members of the St. Cyprians Anglican Church in Kumasi, the President said it is untrue that his government intends to introduce the controversial Comprehensive Sexuality Education in public schools.

The Ghana Education Service and the Education Ministry have denied introduction of the said programme in schools, but critics especially elements of the opposition keep questioning government’s motives.

But the NDC in its statement said President Akufo-Addo must outline steps he will be embarking on to completely withdraw CSE from Ghana and how he intends to renegotiate Ghana out of the numerous international agreements he has committed us to. Nothing short of this will and must suffice.

“This is not the time for the President to play ostrich and keep piling up falsehoods which only create more entanglements for his Government; and most importantly leaves our children’s future in total jeopardy…”

“Our appeal is for eternal vigilance on this matter. We must not rest on our oars until the Government takes practical and appropriate steps to roll back this satanic CSE out of our dear country.

“We wish to re-echo the profound statements of our Flagbearer, H.E. John Dramani Mahama, that what Ghana needs is an improvement in quality education; and hereby serve notice that a future NDC Government will be under no obligation whatsoever to respect the obnoxious CSE agreements the Akufo-Addo led Government has entered into.”