NPP-USA’s attention has been drawn to a false story circulating on, and now on other news and social media sites with the caption “Akufo-Addo-Addo has failed, doesn’t deserve a second term – NPP California”

NPP-USA does not have a chapter named NPP-California since 2018, neither has any of her chapters in the California area, Los Angeles and San Francisco Chapters or any member in the two sister chapters sanctioned or authored any article with such misleading caption to sell it’s story.

The author of this vile, mischievous and intentionally misleading article, was once a member in the California now Los Angeles chapter from 2014 till 2016 while he was a resident of Arizona, USA. Although a new entrant, the chapter appointed him deputy secretary to encourage his participation but he was hardly around to perform his role as appointed. He quit being a member of the then California chapter and also as deputy secretary in January 2016 due to his continued absence when he moved from Arizona area to school in Colorado. He did not join the chapter where he relocated to or any other chapter of NPP-USA. He was not a member in good standing as of July 2016 and our records reflect he was only an active member of this Branch for only one year. He has since 2018 officially resigned from the chapter and the NPP-USA Branch even though he was not a member in active and good standing status.

He cannot, therefore, hold himself as a member of NPP-USA or any of her chapters or seek to grant interviews or write articles headlined in a mischievous fashion that associates him or the article to NPP-USA or any of her chapters.

The NPP-USA Branch therefore dissociates herself and condemns such vile and intentionally misleading headliners.

NPP-USA is not privy to the origins and basis of the content of the article. NPP-USA did not contribute in any way to the article and does not have any affiliation or relationship with the author.

We wish to categorically state that, the article has a sole author and the author has nothing to do with NPP-USA or any of her chapters for the caption to attribute it to a chapter in California. In good faith, we believe this attribution is a mistake or a palpable falsehood to seek attention for its malicious content.

For these reasons, we demand all media outfits that have run the story to pull it down immediately or alternatively remove the attribution to NPP-USA in the caption and apologize to NPP-USA and to treat any future publication from the author associating NPP-USA or any of her chapters with the contempt it deserves.

NPP-USA Communications Directorate