Fear Grips NPP and Adom Otchere as NDC decides on running mate…
Yesterday i listened with rapt attention to Paul Adom Octhere on his Good Evening Ghana program. On the topic who is credible to be John Dramani Mahamas Running Mate and mixing names.
If he cares to know, it will be very easy to discredit his thesis on Running Mates for NDC.
It’s not about who Paul Adom Otchere decides for the NDC. We don’t need a soothsayer to tell us that 2020 is about Governance and not Economics.
Scores of National Democratic Congress (NDC) members on social media yesterday expressed anger at host of Good Evening Ghana (GeG), on Metro TV, Paul Adom Otchere for coming out with his selected personalities to fill the running mate position of the party.
According to him, he was cork sure the presidential candidate of the NDC John Dramani Mahama would pick one of his perched seven (candidates) qualified to fill that position into the 2020 elections.
The announcement made by the GEG Presenter had left many wondering what might have triggered him to come out with a list of seven out of which a running mate would emerge.
Others questioned his locus to speak on NDC matters esp a running mate for their leader.
But Paul should know that Economics is a subset under governance. Economic management is achieved through effective leadership and good governance. Leaderships purpose is to define and drive good governance through
- Ideology/philosophy/values/politics & public policy to engender
2. Economic well-being.
3. Safety and security of citizens. Again If he’s not aware 2020 is about Governance.
And Economics is a subset of Governance. Ineffective leadership and dysfunctional governance affect economic management negatively.
So I ask What interest is Paul representing? NPP? NDC? NEUTRAL?
- Is it an NPP agenda to promote an NDC Running Mate they can attack and discredit.
- Who’s Paul Adom Otchere to determine if the Founder of our Party Jerry John Rawlings has a role in this matter. Is he being used to antagonize Rawlings then we turn round to complain that he’s not supporting the party? Those NPP apparatchiks making noise should get lost. Most of the formidable NDC men and women are not unaware of the dynamics in elections in Ghana and the influence their running mates would need to bring to the polling booth to effect victory. He needs not to tell us how currently Nana Addo’s economic policies have been a shamble and his other pledge, to crack down heavily on corruption, is being laughed out of court while he himself is regarded as ‘Mister Clean’, those around him are anything but.
Putting the situation in perspective: “In every election, every candidate swears by all that is holy that he will eliminate corruption – and after every election, corruption still stands tall. It is a hopeless task; corruption is too deeply embedded in Ghanaian society – it is a hydra-headed monster, cut off one head and two appear in its place. So the pledge to end corruption is like ‘promising to provide every family with a house – it would be wonderful if it were to happen, but everybody knows it will not.”
The issue then for most Ghanaians who are realistic is not to chase meaningless promises that cannot be delivered, but which candidate can provide the ‘deliverables’ – a sound economy and an end to rampant insecurity. Everything else is verbiage dressed up This is what we expect from Paul. Not the NDC running mate issue.
If Paul cares to know An NDC running mate criteria will be based on loyalty, consistency and competence, of all the aspirants for the veep position, If Paul cares to know JM will chose the only one, who did not make any demand and worked assiduously for the emergence of JM.
Not a lobbyist, from all indications some on these people are lobbying. A personality whose sterling qualities and private and public service records were without doubt shoulder rank higher than the other contestants, loyalty, consistency, and clear competence must stand out a competent and experienced person.
I have alaways stated that Vice presidential picks should always share values and vision, and should not have a dislike for one another, in order not to produce divisiveness in the administration.
To many observers, it seems that in looking for a running mate you need an extraordinary pairing of skills, influence, leadership, and trust; a successful relationship extending well beyond years in service together.
its something that requires tact and political savvy. And prsonalities that enhances the sheer magnetism that Mahama represents, particularly in certain parts of the country.
The NDC needs a Vice President who can lead that common sense revolution. The NDC needs personalities with uprightness and fierce commitment to good governance who are well known.
While there are various nuances in the reactions of those who declared themselves either as members, or supporters or sympathizers of the NDC, the major concerns they raised can be summarized to include the fact that they are expecting a person with a long history of active participation in the affairs of the party, particularly at grassroots level to be selected. Such a person should also have a demonstrated track record of an unblemished public service career.
He/she should be someone who due to his integrity can command the respect and trust of all including the flag bearer, the council of elders, the party executives as well as the rank and file. He/she should have the capacity to serve as a bridge between all the factions within the NDC. Very importantly, he should be someone who can command the respect and trust of floating and uncommitted voters as well as disaffected members of the other political parties.
Such a person should also be able to have the capacity to cultivate the respect, affection and support of ethnic and religious boundaries in the country.
The NPP having spent 3 years salivating at the thought of going scot-free with their abysmal performance, are waking up to the realization that the race is not for the swiftest but for the sturdiest.
His Excellency President Mahama apart trying to assemble the best for his running mate is likely to make a re-alignment of the human resource structure he believes will help him execute his Transformation and rebranding agenda. So the Airtight around him would be loose for him to be accesible.
As things stand now, and from the plethora of media reports, it is looking likely that NDC running mate would be also announced soon.
It is likely some great men would be chosen and this has sent shivers the spine of the NPP with a morbid fear.
NPP are worried that the NDC is going to take on a new character which will give them a run for their money.To all intents and purposes, it is very much hoped that the realignment and reassignment wil produce a great personality.
Paul for those of us who saw through the political magnifying glass, we knew that resting power in the hands of some individuals would come back to bite us. But we the NDC didn’t care who became what anywhere around him. Back off
We naively voiced he was for “everybody and for nobody.” Father for all.Together with Mr. President we dozed off in a romance with the tails of vicious tigers. And a bulk of the dreams and plans we had on our blueprints went down the alimentary canal of the beast called NPP and into her belly. Now, We are back fighting a war that could have been avoided only if we had been as wise as a serpent .The Great Ephraim Amu the Pan Africanist from Ghana.wrote this song…Asem yi di ka, edi ka,.Hene, beka miara oo miara enye obiarao miara. Leave us alone.
The announcement made by the GeG Presenter had left many wondering what might have triggered him to come out with a list of seven out of which a running mate would emerge. Others questioned his locus to speak on NDC matters especially a running mate for their leader.
Paul listed these seven names out of which would come a possible John Mahama partner.
- Former Finance Minister Dr. Kwesi Botchway
- Forner CEO GNPC Mr. Alex Mould
- Former AG & Justice Mad. Marrieta B. Oppong
- Former Edu Min Prof. Jane Naana O. Agyemang
- Former Finance Minister Dr. Kwabena Dufuor
- Former CEO for BOST Kwame Awuah Darko and,
- Natl G/S Johnson Asiedu Nketiah
However competent and qualified the above personalities are, members of the largest opposition disagreed with Paul, saying John Mahama would come out with his preference at the appropriate time, hence rejected Paul Adom Otchere’s prophecy.
By: Daniel Osei