Private Legal Practitioner, Ace Ankomah has described Ghana as a nation that is still trotting on what he says is Guggisberg planning that was laid years back.

He said Ghana has all it takes to improve the economy, but the nation is still wallowing in the trenches because we fail to take on-board the implementation of modern day ideas.

“We glorify mediocrity- We need a whole new mode of thinking; We haven’t moved from the Guggisberg planning” he told Fiifi Banson on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa 102.3 FM Thursday.

He said even though managers of the economy have all the fine ideas, ” we are traditionally laid back as a people,” insisting that the opportunities to move Ghana forward is big, but the nation lacks implementation.

He said what Ghana needs to be able to turn around the fortunes of the country is a revolution in education.
