The Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) has launched ‘IPaidABribe’, a corruption reporting platform.

The body has also re-launched the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC).

Vitus A. Azeem, Executive Director of Ghana Integrity Initiative, told the press in Accra Thursday that the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), a local chapter of Transparency International (TI), established the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) in response to several calls by the public through its workshops and surveys for a more strategic action to address corruption.

According to him, the Ghana integrity Initiative (GII), has partnered the Social Enterprises Foundation (SEND GHANA) and the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC) to jointly implement a four-year United States Agency International  Development (USAID) funded Accountable Democratic Institutions and Systems Strengthening Project (ADISS) programme in fifty (50) districts across the ten regions of Ghana.

The Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) concept is based on the strong belief that people are usually apathetic and sometimes helpless in the face of corruption because they are not provided with simple, credible and viable mechanism to effectively combat the menace or seek redress.

The ‘IPaidABribe’ project was designed to renew and build upon on-going efforts and increase the capacities of the anti-corruption CSO’s to motivate citizens to mount pressure on policy makers and institutions through a number of targeted and focused actions.


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