#FixTheCountry demonstrators have hit the streets of the capital, Accra to protest for the first time after massive social media campaigns in the past months.

The protest is currently underway with scores of Ghanaians joining the demonstration.

Protesters are clad in red with placards raising concerns over the levels of corruption and under-development in the country.

Others are directed at youth development and unemployment. A few others however speak about the conduct of the citizenry and the need to do better.

#FixTheCountry is a group of independent, non-political group of ordinary Ghanaians, middle-class and Ghanaian celebrities pressing for social and economic reforms in the country.

The group emerged on May 4, 2021 after thousands of Ghanaians on social media jumped onto Twitter with the hashtag #FixTheCountry to protest poor governance and difficulties with the Ghanaian economy.

Barely 24 hours after the hashtag, the online campaign gained nationwide attention promoting calls for street protests.

Organizers had originally announced Sunday, May 9, 2020, for the street protests but Police secured an injunction against them.

Meanwhile, after the back and forth and the legal fights, today, August 4 is the first time the group has physically gathered to protest against what they describe as the economic hardships within the county.

Source: Ghana/Kasapafmonline.com/102.5 Fm