EC Chairperson, Charlotte Osei

The long awaited public forum on the debate for a new voters’ register for next year’s elections begins today.

A five member panel set up by the Electoral Commission will moderate the public hearing which ends tomorrow.

Political parties and other stakeholders who have delivered proposals to the EC over the call for a new register are to make representation at the forum to justify their positions.

The opponents against a new register are also expected to make a strong case why the current register must be maintained.

The Panel is constituted by His Lordship Professor V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe, Co-Chair of the Coalition for Domestic Election Observers, (CODEO), former Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana, former Professor of Law, and former Electoral Commissioner of Ghana; Dr. Grace Bediako, a former Government Statistician and former member of the National Development Planning Commission.

The rest Dr. Nii Narku Quaynor, a renowned computer scientist, Chairman of the National Information Technology Agency (NITA) Board of Directors, and President of the Internet Society of Ghana; Most Reverend Professor Emmanuel Asante, former Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Ghana and Chairman of the National Peace Council and Maulvi Bin Salih, Ameer of the Ahmadiyya Mission of Ghana.
