Former President JohnMahama has said Ghana is in a state of despair, following the failure on the part of the Akufo-Addo government to fulfill promises made to Ghanaians

Speaking in an interview on TV XYZ, Mr. Mahama stated that he discovered the hopelessness after touring the country to thank Ghanaians for their votes in the 2020 election.

“We’re in a state of despair; people are sad, people have regretted because this is not what the government promised them,” he told Tonton Sansan host Prince Minkah.

“Before the elections, they did a lot of things, i.e., free water, free light, free this and they spent GHS11.9 billion of the COVID funds from March to December and a lot went into convincing people…They gave small business loans via MoMo of about GHS2,000 but today, we are all paying that back,” he stated.

Mahama’s interview on November 9, 2021, was to speak to Ghanaians ahead of his last ‘thank you’ tour which is scheduled to be in the Greater Accra region on Tuesday, 9 November 2021.

Expressing his disappointment in the Akufo-Addo government, Mr Mahama said the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the lies of the government, blaming Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta for “cooking”  figures to make the country’s economy look good regardless of the hardships Ghanaians are grappling with.

“They said the economy was resilient and the vice-president said if there was any external shock, for six months, Ghana will not need any external intervention. But within two weeks of COVID, we went to the IMF for money. What happened to that resilient economy?” he quizzed.

“The economy had no buffers and, so, within two weeks of a COVID situation, [there was a] lockdown; we were begging the IMF for money… , so, it shows there’s a certain culture of lying about things and all that to deceive Ghanaians and we can see that it has all unravelled and the truth is here for all to see,” he added.

“Very soon, the Finance minister will be presenting the budget and you’ll realise the economy is in tatters,” the 2020 flagbearer of the NDC noted.
