The Editor-in-Chief of the New Crusading Guide newspaper,Kweku Baako says the Electoral Commission (EC) is better placed to access the Togo voters register, in the case of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) failing to obtain it for scrutiny.

Mr Baako said the onus lies on the Commission  to act in the interest of the state by advancing an engagement with the Togolese officials in the bid to securing the neighbouring country’s register that will aid it clear doubts in the system.

The EC says it is awaiting a copy of the Togolese register from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to do a comparison with that of the Ghanaian register to help it ascertain the veracity of the claims of the NPP.

However, Kweku Baako commenting to a discussion on issues pertaining to the allegations of the NPP on the voters register on Joy FM’s News File Saturday said if it turns out that the NPP is unable to produce the document in question the EC must exercise its responsibility as election management body by going for the document to enable it handle the overriding issue of national interest.

“These are not just mere allegations- this is something that bothers on the integrity of our election system. I believe the EC ought to proceed to Togo to get the document so that we can handle that particular core issue.

“It is an overriding national interest to get that document to make a determination of the register.”

Meanwhile, Mr Baako has cast doubt the two-day forum will enable the panel do a comprehensive and informed  analysis of the cases churned out by parties, as he claimed there were limited time for  stakeholders to treat bulk of the issues that bother on the subject.

“The panel cannot consolidate a report based on the two day event; they have to go beyond and interact with the parties and various stakeholders to be able to put together a good report.”
