The Graduate Guidance Group, an education and careers consultancy with focus on the United Kingdom (UK), is organizing preparation seminars for Ghanaian students wishing to further their studies in the UK.
The event dubbed, ‘UK Pre-departure briefings’ is targeted at individuals planning to start their studies in the UK this September or October and aims to ease the process regarding travel preparations and planning for life in the UK.
Scheduled for Saturday June 3rd, 2023, the event, which will be held at the British Council in Accra, will see undergraduate students have a special session from 9:00AM and postgraduate students having their moment to interact with the Graduate Guidance Group at 1:00 PM.
Interested persons are encouraged to register for the event via www.bit.ly/g3ghuk at no cost.
Resource persons will educate prospective students and applicants on how to prepare all the documents for a successful visa application and the steps to take to ensure a smooth arrival, such as booking accommodation and study tips. There will be university representatives and alumni available to answer one to one questions about what to expect in their cities.
Partner universities for the ‘UK Pre-departure briefings’ include; Loughborough University, University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, University of Portsmouth, University of York, Robert Gordon University, University of Wolverhampton and Kaplan International Pathways.
Demand for UK study is high and many universities are starting to close admissions for September, however some courses are still open. Anyone who has their academic documents and their finances ready is welcome to attend for advice on next steps.
The Graduate Guidance Group promised other events in the future for those planning to start their studies in 2024.
“The process to study in the UK can seem simple to those of us who support students’ day in day out, and have been doing so for years, but if you’re going through it for the first time it can be daunting. We take away the stress in the process. We also introduce you to other students who are also travelling at the same time as you so you can begin to build your UK community before you even leave the country,” Founder – Graduate Guidance Group director, Emma Tarrant Tayou, disclosed motivation for the fair.
You can interact with the Graduate Guidance Group on Instagram @g3africa or email us info@g3africa.com or whatsapp us on 0249895328