The Paramount Chief of Enyan Abaasa Traditional Area in the Ajumako Enyan Essiam District, Okoamankra Kwame Akwonu X has expressed worry over how some irresponsible men are impregnating students of Enyan Abaasa Technical Institute due to non-availability of girls Dormitories in the school.

The Chief revealed that, because of the lack of girls’ dormitory, some men have taken advantage and having sex with some female students while others are introducing them to weed smoking all in the name of helping them get accommodation in town.

Okoamankra Kwame Akwonu X who doubles as the Central Regional House of Chiefs Vice President appealed to government and Central Regional Minister to ensure a Girls Dormitory is constructed for the school to reduce social vices.

The Chief was speaking during the 2023 Enyan Abaasa Annual Akwambo Festival.

According to the Chief, the Enyan Abaasa community is increasing in population and land size hence there is a need for the community to have electricity extension.

He condemned the fact that the Electricity Company of Ghana branch in the Ajumako Enyan Essiam District always deny Enyan Abaasa residents electricity meters when they apply for it.

Okoamankra Kwame Akwonu X who celebrated his 30th Anniversary as a Chief, commended the government and the Member of Parliament for Ajumako Enyan Essiam Constituency, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson for ensuring massive development in the Community.

He also commended the Citizens most especially the Youth for the massive support they have offered for the development of the Enyan Abaasa Community.

Okoamankra Kwame Akwonu X also bemoaned the bad roads in his area, urging government to speed up the ongoing construction of the road from Enyan Abaasa through Ajumako Kromain to Enyan Denkyira road and tar them as promised.

He noted that the road from Mankessim through Ajumako to Agona Swedru is very bad as well as the one from Winneba to Ahobaa Swedru, adding that both roads need to be constructed as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Central Regional Minister, Justina Marigold Assan also pledged to work hard and ensure the dormitory is constructed to reduce Teenage Pregnancy among the students.

Source: Boagyan