In a heartfelt response to the devastating loss of six lives in the Afram River, Afram Plains South Constituency’s Member of Parliament, Joseph Appiah Boateng, also known as JAB1, has expressed deep sorrow and condolences to the grieving family.

The tragic incident unfolded in the Agyata Electoral Area on Thursday, November 9, 2023, when twelve individuals attempted to cross the Afram River from Azietsi-Korpe, a village near the Agyata community.

Regrettably, the boat, carrying ten passengers and two operators, encountered distress, resulting in the loss of six lives, with the two operators still missing.

National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) officer in the District Stephen Afram Speaking in an Interview with Agoo FM News said while four passengers were successfully rescued after swimming to safety, the remaining six passengers faced an unfortunate fate.

Speaking to the media, MP JAB1 expressed his sympathy for the families of the deceased, revealing that he has dispatched a delegation from Accra to mourn with the affected family members saying I am also preparing to personally join them to extend my condolences.

Having recently visited the constituency to provide relief items to flood victims at Ekye Amanfrom, MP JAB1 assured that he would return promptly to mourn with the bereaved family. He emphasized his continued efforts to gather additional relief items for the remaining flood victims, demonstrating his commitment to supporting the community during challenging times.

MP JAB1 urged the grieving family members to stay resilient during this difficult period, promising to provide the necessary support for them to bid their final farewells to their loved ones.

Additionally, he appealed to boat operators and residents in the constituency to exercise caution and monitor weather conditions closely before embarking on river journeys.

In response to the tragic incident, Joseph Appiah Boateng stressed the importance of wearing life jackets, emphasizing their role as a vital safety measure during unforeseen events on the water.

His plea extended to both citizens and boat operators, urging them to prioritize safety and take preventive measures to avoid similar tragedies in the future.