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The Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council has summoned Nana Owiredu Agyarko, the Ankobeahene of Begoro, the Benkum Division of the traditional area for his alleged endorsement of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama.

A writ of summon, signed by D. M Ofori-Atta, the Secretary of the traditional council, summoned Nana Owiredu Agyarko to appear before the council to answer for his actions.

The summon, issued at the behest of petitioners including Daasebre Ofosu Kwabi Ayebiahwe, Otweresohene/Odau, Okyeame Owusu, and Barfuor Sakyi Amankwaa II representing Begoro stool, accuses Nana Owiredu Agyarko of bringing the name of Begoro stool into disrepute and subjecting it to political ridicule by engaging in partisan politics.

The petitioners allege that Nana Owiredu Agyarko, during a campaign event attended by John Mahama, purported to represent Nananom and the people of Begoro, made partisan political statements in favor of the NDC which included “endorsements of John Mahama as the incoming President of Ghana. That the people of Begoro must vote massively for the Flagbearer of NDC, that the 24 hour economic policy of the NDC government will rescue the people of Begoro from Poverty, that all Nananom have invoked the gods by pouring libation against the breaking the 8 mantra of the New Patriotic Party government. That the people of Begoro must be vigilant against vote rigging agenda of the current government, that the Parliamentary candidate of the NDC lost by dubious means in the previous election, that the people of Begoro must vote massively for him in the coming election “.

Among the reliefs sought by the petitioners are an order of destoolment as Ankobeahene of Begoro, a declaration nullifying the respondent’s conduct, a public recantation of the alleged comments, an unqualified apology to the petitioners and the people of Begoro, and punitive customary sanctions if found liable.

The summon orders Nana Owiredu Agyarko to appear before Nananom without fail, accompanied by any witnesses and paying a hearing fee of Ghc1,000.00.

Hearing on the matter has, however, been rescheduled from today February 12, 2024 to February 19,2024.

Source: Ansah