Nana Agyekum Addo, also known as Dr. Michael Agyekum Addo, the Nkabomhene (Unity Chief) of New Juaben and Chief Executive of the KAMA Group of Companies, has expressed concern over the declining tradition of young Ghanaian women wearing beads around their waist.

He stated that beyond the aesthetic appeal, these beads have health and psychological benefits for men, offering a calming and charming effect, and enhancing attraction and affection towards their partners.

Speaking at a town hall meeting in Koforidua, Nana Agyekum Addo referred to research suggesting that observing and admiring waist beads can soothe men’s nerves and boost excitement, fostering a deeper love and connection.

He also linked the reluctance of women to wear beads to an increased use of aphrodisiacs among Ghanaian men, which he warned is leading to serious cardiovascular issues.

Nana Agyekum Addo recommended Koforidua beads market as best market for quality beads which must be patronized to boost the local economy and create jobs.

Source: Ansah