The Finance Minister, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam says the pragmatic policies being implemented by the government are turning the economy around.

According to him, global shocks that hit the world have heightened macroeconomic instability in Africa, resulting in high debt.

He cited an instance that, debt to GDP in Africa currently stands at 66%, a figure that he says is higher than that of other continents.

Speaking at the launch of the 2025 Africa Prosperity Dialogues, the Finance Minister, Dr Amin Adam, said Ghana’s economy is doing well and should record an inflation of 15% by end of 2024.

“Growth ended 2023 at 2.9% above the target of 1.5%. Inflation halved in 12 months from 54% by end of 2022 to 25% by April this year, and we are expected to move inflation further down to 15% by end of this year” he said.

Dr Amin Adam further projected that Ghana should record a single-digit inflation by 2027.

The theme for the Africa Prosperity Dialogues 2025 is “Delivering Africa’s prosperity through infrastructure. Invest, integrate, connect” The 2025 Africa Prosperity Dialogue will be held in January 2025 here in Ghana.

Source: Nyarko Abronoma