Friday, July 5, 2024

High Court adjourns anti-gay case to July 29

An Accra High Court has adjourned the proceedings regarding the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, commonly known as the anti-LGBTQ+ bill, until July 29, 2024.

The case was adjournment following lawyers representing one of the petitioners, Paul Boama-Sefa, being instructed to submit their written arguments within four weeks.

The court is also waiting for a response from the Speaker of Parliament, who is the defendant in the case.

This is after the parties made the request in court on Monday June 3, 2024.

Meanwhile, the Judicial Service has okayed request to have the proceedings telecast live.

The Bill which has since been passed is awaiting Presidential assent.

According to the Applicant the process should not take place until the statutory provisions of section 100(1) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) are complied with.

Mr Boama-Sefa, the plaintiff, joined the Attorney General (AG) to the suit.

He is seeking an order directing the Speaker, his deputies, his agents, assigns and privies to ensure compliance with section 100(1) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) before any further steps were taken in respect of the Bill.

The farmer is also asking a perpetual Injunction restraining the defendants from further breaches of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921).

He contended that, sometime in 2021, the Promotion of the Bill was presented to the Speaker by eight Members of Parliament (MPs) as a Private Members’