Independent Presidential Aspirant Alan John Kwadwo Kyeremanten has said systematic failure and a lack of faith in the economy is to blame for the depreciation of the Cedi.

According to the former Minister for Trade and Industry, the Cedi’s may keep falling against major foreign currencies if the country fails to increase exports and decrease imports.

Speaking on his Eastern Regional tour on Monday, Mr Kyerematen was confident that Export growth and forex bureau regulations would also contribute to the Cedi’s stabilisation.

“The strength of the cedi is dependent on the demand and supply of foreign exchange. There is no other way unless you produce and export. Because if you don’t produce and use that to export abroad you won’t get dollars into the system…but have you heard a head of state talk about this before? So it is a systemic failure for a long time.”

“So between Alan, ex-president Mahama and Dr Bawumia, if its production and exports that would revive the cedi, who amongst the three of us can do that? If we have made that mistake all these years and we now need someone who can do this then it is Alan who can do that,” he stated.

Additionally, Mr. Kyerematen advised Ghanaians to look at national development strategy rather than unmet campaign pledges. Significant constitutional reform would be given first priority by government led by the Movement for  Change.

“When you listen to the majority, they say when NDC and NPP are in government, it is a winner-takes-all situation. If one party assumes office for eight years and you are not part of the party, then you are not part of the government. So the intelligence of many Ghanaians is disregarded in the governance of the country because it is winner-takes all.

“If these two parties are in government, they work on projects either good or bad even if the other had already started same…If there is no continuity, how do we move forward…Ghanaians are tired, they want a plan not promises.”

“So we want to move Ghana beyond the manifest promises, we want a national plan where Ghanaians are in the know of where the country is headed. For the next 30 to 50 years, every party that assumes office would continue with whatever they meet,” he stated.