The ongoing trial of Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson and the allegations of misconduct against the Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame found its way onto the floor of parliament Thursday.

Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin sought to find out from ranking Member for the Education Committee, Peter Nortsu Kotoe regarding a publication of his comments that his side will kick against the yet to be introduced Free SHS Bill.

This move, however, did not sit down well with the Minority which registered its displeasure through Chief Whip, Governs Kwame Agbodza arguing the matter in question is not before the House.

In the ensuing heated exchanges the Adaklu MP referenced the allegations of Jakpa against the A-G.

This development drew a sharp disapproval from 1st Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei-Owusu which cautioned the House against such comments on Judicial officers.

Ranking member for the Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee Bernard Ahiafor lividly however rubbished the assertions of the Bekwai MP forcefully arguing the claims against the A-G are too grave to be ignored.

Majority Leader Alexander, Afenyo-Markin however expressed dismay at the assertions of the minority.

According to him, the A-G will have his say during cross examination of the 3rd accused Richard Jakpa and thus the claims must not be taken as the gospel truth.

The Speaker of Parliament subsequently apologised for the seeming free for all exchanges explaining his microphone developed a fault and thus could not stop any member on their feet making submissions until their microphones are turned off.

According to him, he would have ruled the Majority Leader out of order if his microphone has been active to avoid the degeneration.
