The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin has urged politicians to stop beating war drums ahead of the December 7 general elections.

He has once again asked the Jean Mensah led Electoral Commission to ensure free, fair and transparent elections.

The comment of the Speaker follows his announcement that he will lead Parliament to engage all heads of constitutional bodies and other stakeholders ahead of this year’s election.

He was speaking during the launch of the Democracy Cup which will see a match being played between Accra Hearts of Oak and Kumasi Asante Kotoko as part of the 30th anniversary celebration of Parliament.

“I want to take this opportunity once again to urge the EC that is the centre referee for the upcoming elections to conduct the exercise in a free, fair, transparent, peaceful and credible manner. The Electoral Commission cannot do it alone, we have to do it together. That is my initiative for Parliament to engage all the Commissioners and our leadership for us to move together. I am happy, very encouraged and truly satisfied that the Chairperson of the EC humbly and respectfully accepted to be available anytime Parliament wants her and her team to come for us to dialogue about the way forward. So, please no more war drums.”
