Chief and elders of Enyan Abaasa in the Ajumako Enyan Essiam District of the Central Region have launched the 2024 Annual Akwambo Festival in grand style.

The festival was launched during the Ahobaa Festival to honor their ancestors who contributed to the development of the Enyan Abaasa community.

The theme of the 2024 Annual Akwambo Festival is “Blending Culture and Development in Our Modern Time – Development of the Youths,” aiming to engage the youth in community development alongside the chiefs.

This year’s festival promises to be more grandiose than previous years, with many programs involving the youth. Activities include the Abaasa Concert introduced by Docta Flow, a highlife musician and music producer, palm wine tasting, Sunday Night Ogya Mpaebo Candle Night, an all-green float called Green Friday, and Nsumko, where chiefs are carried in palanquins through the principal streets of Enyan Abaasa, among other activities.

Addressing the gathering during the Ahobaa Festival and the launching of the 2024 Akwambo Festival, Osade3yo Ayeboafo Etuaful, the Senahen of Enyan Denkyira Traditional Area and chairman of the program, praised the chiefs and residents for the significant development in the Enyan Abaasa community.

He expressed his happiness at the youth’s involvement in community activities but also raised concerns about the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the Central Region, specifically in the Ajumako Enyan Essiam District and his traditional area.

He noted that female teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 are most often affected, which is worrying. He advised teenagers to focus on their studies and avoid early relationships. He urged male youths to allow female teenagers to mature before pursuing relationships with them and to aim for marriage rather than fornication.

Furthermore, he advised youth to stay away from drugs, noting that many are involved in marijuana smoking and other illegal substances, which could lead to madness, death, and other severe consequences.

The chief expressed his disappointment in the increasing involvement of youths in drug use and urged them to focus on their education. He also cautioned parents to monitor their children closely and ensure they avoid bad company.