Former Chief Executive Officer of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) Sylvester Mensah is confident he will not be found guilty of fraud at the end of investigations by the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI).

He and other staff of the Authority are being investigated for alleged financial misappropriation.

His investigation has been strongly opposed by the ruling NDC party’s supporters and executives in the La Dadekotopon constituency where he once served as the Member of Parliament.

Addressing the irate supporters Thursday evening, Mr. Sylvester Mensah entreated the supporters to exercise restraint because he cannot be found culpable.

“The whole noise that surrounded the investigations has subsided… I have submitted myself to the BNI and I have responded to most of the questions and I’m still waiting for further questions if they have. I can assure you that of all the discussions that we had there is nothing that makes Sylvester Mensah guilty of fraud,” an optimistic Mr. Mensah told the charged crowd.

He cautioned the supporters to desist from acts that will negatively affect the electoral fortunes of the party going into the November general elections.

Mr Mensah noted: “Against this background there is no reason for us to say that we are closing down our offices or have suspended party activities. I have to appeal to you of the times in which we are. We have elections coming up and must appreciate that our margins of victory are so slim and takes about one or two constituencies to win elections.

“None of us wants to be in opposition. Let us not overstretch this solidarity… what I can assure you is that I have an interest in the 2016 elections and we must be in power. The time between now and elections is so short.

“Our campaign is even late as a constituency and perhaps as a nation. Let’s not allow this storm in a tea cup to derail us from our objectives. I am the one at the center of this storm and I’m telling you that as we speak today the challenges and noise have all subsided.”

“I can assure you that we’re going to end this exercise without any scratch. I assure you that I am safe and sound and all is well,” Mr Mensah he said.