Some fourteen people have so far been rounded up by the Police to aid investigations into the leakage of some question papers of this week’s Basic Education and Certificate Examinations.

Deputy Ashanti Regional Police Commander, ACP Osei- Ampofo Duku, whose jurisdiction recorded the last four of the number told Kasapa 102.3 FM they are working to get the bottom of the issue.

“We received a phone call of a report that some individuals were in a room printing out some BECE papers.

“So the Police from the Ashanti regional division dispatch in men, conducted a search and arrested them.

“Upon a search, the police discovered a printer and a photocopier which belongs to the Nkoranza D/A primary school”

On Wednesday the West African Examination Council announced the cancellation of five papers in the ongoing exams.

Questions papers of Integrated Science 2, Mathematics 2, Social Studies 2, Religious and Moral Education 2 and English Language 2 went viral, and were subsequently cancelled.
